When you choose a winter hat, usually you look on its quality and color, But the most important selection criterion is the style. It must match the shape of your face, then it will emphasize your style.
Let me guide you step by step to choose the best winter hat for you. Here you will find the answer to how to choose a winter hat. When the weather is not favorable and you want to spend some time outdoors, you need comfortable clothes. The cold affects the head, hands and feet the most, so clothing accessories are irreplaceable in this case.
A winter hat is the most controversial item of clothing and has more opponents than supporters. However, no one likes a red, runny nose, a hair that is disheveled by the wind, or cold hands.
The only sensible solution is to choose the right headgear that will fit you best. It will hide the shortcomings and highlight the advantages.
There are enough styles, shapes and colors to choose the best one for yourself.
Don't postpone your purchase decision while waiting for unfavorable weather conditions, haste is not a good advisor and rash purchases are usually not successful. Let me guide you step by step to choose the best headgear for you.
You can choose the right headgear for every type of beauty. This requires several attempts, but it is worth the effort for your health and beauty.
The key to choosing the right headgear is to precisely define the shape of the face.
If you don't feel comfortable in a certain style, it probably doesn't suit your face shape. When choosing, remember not to disturb the proportions of your face.
The idea is not to make something wide or lengthen what is already long.
Study this diagram and you will find out what face shape you have.
The key to choosing the right hat is to precisely define the shape of the face. Carefully analyze the diagram below.
Hair length matters. Try to make at least some hair visible from under the headgear.
Let go of your sidelocks, show off your bangs.
A hat for a rectangular face shape is intended to round out and optically shorten the face. Place the hat at the base of your eyebrows, if it has earflaps, do not tie them at the top. Avoid those that stick out and are large at the top. Wear berets backwards and to the side. The most appropriate are caps with a flap without a pompom , turbans, berets and trapper hats.
A hat for a round face shape is intended to lengthen it. Avoid hats that fit tightly around the head. Wear berets thrown back, revealing your forehead a bit. Enjoy wearing a wide-brimmed hat, hamburg hat and fedora.
A hat for a square face should round it out. The easiest way to do this is with hats that nicely frame your face, a cap with a hood or a scarf over your head. Show off your forehead a bit by wearing your beanie facing backwards. You can wear a flat cap, but avoid hats with a very small brim or no brim at all.
Hat for an oval face shape - ensure balance, do not burden one side. Avoid asymmetrical hats that taper towards the cheekbones. Give up on long hanging pompoms - they will spoil your proportions. The best one for you is a classic beanie with or without fold. A nice feminine round hat with a small decoration without a pompom, you can successfully wear it with a turban, a fedora hat or a cloche hat with a small brim.
Hat for a triangular face shape. Your advantage is your eyes, direct the viewer's attention to the central part of your face. Choose rather small headgear with decorations on the top or side, and cover the forehead.
Avoid hats that are too tight and brims are wide and narrow to the cheeks. Choose small berets, caps with a flap and a pompom , round small women's hats with decoration on the side. Wear a derby, fedora, cloche or flat cap.
There are many ways to wear a hat, you just need to figure out which one is best for you
First, check where the seam is, it is located on the back of the product. Put the hat on with the seam facing backwards.
Recently, slouchy style clothing and putting a hat on Peter Pan. You wear the hat high on your head, covering only the tips of your ears. It reveals the fringe and sides of the hairstyle, so that the hat can be held securely, it is worth sewing a small comb inside to hold the hairstyle - good for short hair.
fisherman style.
Fold the bottom of the hat one or several times to adjust the appropriate depth.
This way of wearing the hat allows you to clearly see your face and hair.
You can put the hat on your forehead, fold the back of your hand and point the top of the hat towards the back. If you don't have artistic talents, buy a winter hat already effectively arranged.
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